Premises assessed

Sleeping Accommodation (High Rise)

High Rise sleeping accommodation Fire Risk Assessments require the highest level of knowledge and expertise to complete.

As FRACS approved assessors, we have carried out Fire Risk Assessments to Tower Blocks nationwide for a number of Local Authorities. We have an excellent understanding of the various construction types and the historical issues within these property types.

Sleeping Accommodation (Low Rise)

A large proportion of our work is carrying out Fire Risk Assessments of all type to low rise sleeping accommodation. We have carried out thousands of low rise assessments for Local Authories, Social Housing providers, private landlords and universities.

Sheltered Accommodation / Care Homes

Sheltered accommodation and care homes are classifed as Speacialised Housing and require expert knowledge to assess. Ignis Safety Ltd have carried out assessments to many of these properties.


Hotels also fall under the sleeping accommodation category. However there are different regulations that apply to these property types. Ignis Safety Ltd have experience of carrying out FRAs to hotels of all sizes.

There are four different types of Fire Risk Assessments that can be carried out within sleeping accommodation.

Ignis Safety Ltd have extensice experience carrying out all four types.

Type 1 – Common parts only (non-destructive)

A Type 1 Fire Risk Assessment is the most basic type of assessment that is required to satisfy the RR(FS)O 2005.

This assessment type is a non-destructive assessment of the communal areas of the building. A representative sample of flat entrance doors will be accessed during a type 1 assessment to determine the level of fire resistance to the doors.


Type 2 – Common parts only (destructive)

A Type 2 Fire Risk Assessment looks at the same areas of the building as a Type 1 assessment. However some destructive sampling will be carried out within the common areas to ascertain the level of fire resistance between communal areas and flats.

It is unusual to carry out a Type 2 assessment unless there is reasonable doubt that the structure between flats and communal areas is compromised.


Type 3 – Common parts and flats (non-destructive)

A Type 3 Fire Risk Assessment goes beyond the scope of the RR(FS)O 2005 but not beyond the scope of the Housing Act 2005.

A Type 3 assessment includes all communal areas and a sample of flats, to ascertain the fire resistance of entrance doors, the level of automatic fire detection within flats, the fire resistance of internal doors and the presence of service risers or other “weak spots” within flats. This assessment is non-destructive.


Type 4 – Common parts and flats (destructive)

A Type 4 Fire Risk Assessment covers the same areas as a type 3 assessment. Destructive sampling will be carried out and typically includes opening up service risers and ductwork to ascertain the level of fire resistance within.

A contractor is required during type 4 assessments in order to open up construction for inspection and make good afterwards.